First of all in order to attain peace, it will be a duty for us to unite all the people of the world to pass over to universal state. It will have to create a feeling of nationality on the basis of universal motherland and brotherhood by abolishing all the so-called nationalities based on religion, colour, language and region. This means that all men of the world are included in the human race under the view-point of humanity and are all its progeny under the personification of a universal motherland. With this feeling a great union of mankind will be necessitated for, passing over to universal state. For all to become united after the abolition of the difference of various nationalities may be considered as the great union of the entire humankind of the world. For this great union a system of huge admixture will have to be followed and for this admixture a process of free compounding of blood will have to be introduced. Under this process an American Jew who is considered to be an English speaking youth, will establish a conjugal relation and love with an Indian Hindu woman speaking Bengali language. Through their action of progenitor, the new-antes that will take birth will be neither a Hindu flora Jew and neither an Indian nor an American. Likewise a Japanese girl conforming Buddhism wilt establish conjugal relation with an Arabian Muslim. In this way the process of the vast admixture will working this world. For the purpose of this great admixture it will have to enkindle the feeling of undebased love in the hearts of young men and women. And for this awakening of unadulterated love in the realm of youths today researches must be pursued in the context of man’s biological and psychological traits. Because each and every human creature is constituted by thorough admixture of animality, and humanity. When animalist Of man overtops the boundary of humanity then it is seen with great. affliction that his feeling of real love does not exist in his heart. The animality can incite man with the instinct of sexual intercourse, but that may not be regarded as heavenly love of human being For want of real love and on account of dominance of animality we see the horrible expression of malice, depravity and immorality among the human race of the world. As we see, there is dominance of animality among the human race, so man feels enmity towards man and kills each other with weapon. The name of passing over to humanity form the dominance of man’s feeling of animality is called human civilization. That is to say, when man was staying at the stage of primitiveness, he was then some sort of animal of two hands and feetlike other animals of forest. So it was seen that sometimes primitive barbarous man has slain other man and had eaten his flesh. The barbarous and savage man went on dancing after he had captured and slain other savage man unknown to him. The ugliest declivity that now stays in this universe as animality’s mingled with the mischievous quality of ferocity. This proneness which is always seen to incite fierceness in tigers and lions or any other wild beast was once blended with the bad instinct of that conspicuous type of creature referred to as savage man. Today modern man who does not follow the primitive man, hesitates to kill each other because human civilization is advancing through gradual abatement of savage man’s mischievous instinct named as animality reared with ferocity. Yet what man today does is the prejudiced shape of that savage man’s animality which comes out of the inherent ferocity of the primitive human race. As for example, sometimes a human being kills the other, some times thousands of bellicose human being is induced to violent and sanguinary collision in Warfield. At his stage we see the prejudiced shape of the primitive animality of humankind.
But the animality or ferocity that is known to us as bad human instinct is wholly mixed with life and soul of
Mankind Man is praised or disgraced as kind or hard hearted for the absence or dominance of this animality or ferocity. So today research should be taken on body and soul of man and attempt be continued to free man from his bad instinct as it is called ferocity or animality For this noble programme we shall have to determine the extent of man’s animality or ferocity by scientific method from his very childhood and find out the way of exterminating this bad instinct referred to as animality or ferocity. If this animality or ferocity is exterminated every human progeny will be fascinated by love with each other in the truest sense of the term. Then no body will remain to stay as villainous in this world. Every man and woman will feel promptly the attraction of unadulterated love for extensive human admixture. Man while being attracted with heavenly love and rejecting contemptuously all differences will be a commensally creature to institute great admixture of humankind. One day under the passage of time man will be able to reveal his identity as one and undivided human race by obliterating all vestiges of artificial differ initiations in the world. And at that time a universal bond of union will take place among human souls. In case of this great admixture and union of human kind, it will not be appropriate to think that man will abolish his own original existence and identity. As for example, a Bengali Mussalman or a Japanese Buddhist will not lose his respective religion and nationality. In fact nobody’s existence will be abolished by this great admixture of humankind. The subject will be same as in number able brooks with their own flows meet at a rendezvous and make an ocean i.e. when many rivers make a sea in a certain place in combination with their numerous flows of water then we should think that they do not abolish their respective existence. They have only pulled on together to make a sea. Here under a mutual combination every river has attained the magnimity of a sea from its smallness of a stream. So when the multitudinous human groups that are divided in many numbers in the world, are able to organize the great human admixture and make unity then there should be no scope of thought that they will have to abolish their own religion, language and culture. Then all their identity will be, marked in such a way that the universe will be their own country. The brightness and beauty of man that may be made possible to be same, identical and unvaried will be supposed to be their physical colour and the nation they belong to will be the consolidated human race of the world.
But the animality or ferocity that is known to us as bad human instinct is wholly mixed with life and soul of
Mankind Man is praised or disgraced as kind or hard hearted for the absence or dominance of this animality or ferocity. So today research should be taken on body and soul of man and attempt be continued to free man from his bad instinct as it is called ferocity or animality For this noble programme we shall have to determine the extent of man’s animality or ferocity by scientific method from his very childhood and find out the way of exterminating this bad instinct referred to as animality or ferocity. If this animality or ferocity is exterminated every human progeny will be fascinated by love with each other in the truest sense of the term. Then no body will remain to stay as villainous in this world. Every man and woman will feel promptly the attraction of unadulterated love for extensive human admixture. Man while being attracted with heavenly love and rejecting contemptuously all differences will be a commensally creature to institute great admixture of humankind. One day under the passage of time man will be able to reveal his identity as one and undivided human race by obliterating all vestiges of artificial differ initiations in the world. And at that time a universal bond of union will take place among human souls. In case of this great admixture and union of human kind, it will not be appropriate to think that man will abolish his own original existence and identity. As for example, a Bengali Mussalman or a Japanese Buddhist will not lose his respective religion and nationality. In fact nobody’s existence will be abolished by this great admixture of humankind. The subject will be same as in number able brooks with their own flows meet at a rendezvous and make an ocean i.e. when many rivers make a sea in a certain place in combination with their numerous flows of water then we should think that they do not abolish their respective existence. They have only pulled on together to make a sea. Here under a mutual combination every river has attained the magnimity of a sea from its smallness of a stream. So when the multitudinous human groups that are divided in many numbers in the world, are able to organize the great human admixture and make unity then there should be no scope of thought that they will have to abolish their own religion, language and culture. Then all their identity will be, marked in such a way that the universe will be their own country. The brightness and beauty of man that may be made possible to be same, identical and unvaried will be supposed to be their physical colour and the nation they belong to will be the consolidated human race of the world.
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