World Wonderful Peace History

That we perceive of this endless universe is combined phenomenon of galaxy, nebula, luminous bank of stars, planets and satellites. As one of the planetary system our world took its form in the remote past within this universe. Life originated in this world after a long and far extended time of its formation and ever, after much more passage of time animated beings appeared. Then after billions of years passed since the advent of living beings, revealed the life of man. From today the time of the origin of mankind elapsed some million years ago. Man of that period was an uncouth creature of frightful appearance. Blended with the nature of ferocity he lived with the beasts, in caves and trees. This was the savage man of that day whose subsequent descendants is we, the humankind of the present day world.

Adorned with glorious history of human inventions and discoveries. Man created his culture and society, that says, built on his own a civilization by making the best of his way on the course of evolution. This is called human civilization where man made the current f events by inventions discoveries on the basis of continued involvement. At this phase even the story of man’s evil propensity has got in no way hiatus from the current of events that man constructed by the help of his achievements. That evil propensity of man is his inherent wicked inclination to instinctive jealousy. Man is vehemently subjugated by the firm grasp of this evil propensity and had under its abominable influence been dong mischievous jobs like quarrels, blood-sheds etc. Since the days before recorded history was begun. Innumerable wars had been fought in the annals of mankind numbers of which might reach the limit of many thousands. As a result of these wars, millions of human progeny became prey to wanton slaughter executed by man himself in the past. Such a scene can even be found in many pages of records of events which are composed and preserved by man and where it is projected that jackals, dogs and vultures in flocks are rambling on the heap of corpses of numerous lifeless human bodies. A good number of very beautiful bedecked cities or localities were made forlorn by wars and devastation. All habitable vestiges of an above for man were laid waste in those places which had in course of time been covered with thick and rough bushes. In this way many places ennobled with civilization turned into archaeological materials for historical museums of mankind. Normal false EN-USX-NONEX-NONE MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 Till today, flame of terrible wars, through ruining of civilization, is burning furiously. But to man of the twentieth century an ultimate question to ask why there are Alice, hatred, hostility and wreckage. Man who lived with beasts, in caves and trees in the very remote past became civilized today and founded many large cities which are embellished with lofty skyscrapers.

The body of man had been evolved into a well-shaped appearance and today the human race gained structurally a good figure extremely beautiful than that of beast. Man has developed science, art and literature by his endeavor. He has a fair mind-an open and above board mind that sincerely produced many fine attributes to achieve full growth and development in music, painting, sculpture and other beauteous productions of creative imagination. But primitive jealousy is still existent in the seat of man’s consciousness, thought, volition and feeling. That is why, hostilities and warfare are going on and the world is being stained everyday with blood from the thorax of human being. Today man is waging ware everywhere in land, air and sea constantly and for that reason whole of the world appears to assume the shape of a battle field. These conflicts and contentions carried on so regularly sometimes unsheathe the possibility of taking in such a pervasive form that the world in its entirety man in a moment be turned into an arena of a global war. Two great hostilities which were fought in the twentieth century made man a sacrificing creature of horrible panic known by the appellation of world war. Two great hostilities which were fought in the twentieth century made man a sacrificing creature of horrible effect in obliterating the trace of man and other living beings from the soil of the earth. So today man of this earth feels the need of having fierceness of this Great War and also wants to obtain to his advantage the solemn promise to reach upon a mutual agreement on lasting peace. Those who are commanding warfare in the world today also speak much about the responsibility to establish peace and have been trying to succeed in realizing that end. But man is yet to catch up with peace and tranquility. Because, nobody is crowned with success in his attempt to ascertain the real path of setting up world peace.

The causes to pursue resolutely the hostilities and warfare are some fundamental principles of differentiation, conspicuously existent in man. No lasting peace can ensure unless and until these principles to differentiate man from man, race from race and nation from nation go into extinction. These principles of differentiation are drawn up by discrimination with regard to religion, language, color and wealth and with regard to the formation of different states by apportioning the integrity of the world. Under the shelter of these principles every absolutely unwavering impediment of separation is standing like the Himalayas. Various kinds of nationalities that have grown on the basis of these principles of differentiation have divided and disunited man into innumerable dissenting factions. For this division of man into innumerable dissenting factions. For this division of man into various factions, indulgence in prolonged affray, contention and war has been continuing for long.

As for example, a group of people who believed in one religion, consider the people of other system of faith and worship as fully segregated (nationality on the basis of religion). Moreover misinterpretation of religion resuscitat4es the instinct of man to differentiate with one another and throws him into the ugly realm of malice and rivalry. Such being the case, man of one religion mostly indulges in malicious and mischievous behavior with the follower of other religion. He considers other to be deviated from the path of righteousness and also thinks a different man’s manner of worship as an unreasonable and eligible matter. It is this malice which directs the evil power of man to communalism and procreates his obnoxious activities which are opposed to humanity and inspi8re communal turmoil. It is man’s jealousy which sometimes assumes the form of a breach of peace through an abominable communal brawl (the state falls prey to this rowdy’s while it is created on communal basis). This jealousy of violent excitement in the form of fighting for religion otherwise called a crusade or holy war. In such a why so many communal affrays and wars took place amongst man because of the policy of differentiation with regard to religion.

Man is divided on the basis of physical colour also this is called racial apathy otherwise mentioned as apartheid. To give a meaning of this it should be said that man of a more beautiful physical colour had been feeling envy towards other man of less beautiful physical colour for thousands of years. Sometimes man of repelling look had been treated with inhuman dealings. Even man of a region had been sold like animal for his bodily ugliness and was forced to undergo oppression without any reason as an animal is compelled to suffer the same. By the passage of time man of those old days giving testimony to his lacking of physical beauty and grace had from the assessment of bodily strength and intelligence been treated to be weaker than that of comely look. By lacking opportunity of this feebleness of man carrying bodily shabbiness and indecency, man handsome stature bought and sold that unbecoming man after tying him with a rope on the neck as an animal was treated for the same purpose. That weak spirited, emaciated and imbecile man had been imported like herds of goats (In this regard import of slaved from Africa to Europe can be cited). Then contentions and wars had begun on apartheid since slave men started movement to make demand upon rights and claims of humanity. The struggle to attain humanity has been continuing till today.

Man is even differentiated on the basis of his manifold languages. For this factor, numerous affrays and wars broke out in the world. In this context, the example to rule by ne royal authority speaking one language over a group of people speaking other language may be mentioned. It is seen in history that when rollers speaking one language, have conquered the region of some people speaking other language, consequently tried to set on the subjugated their own language. The excess that was made by growing intemperance and over-mushiness with matter of state language in the succeeding period has paved the way for the commencement of discrepancy of various languages on the basis of the policy of differentiation, besides, the people living in the same state and speaking different language, think themselves as separate races from the view-point of respective cultural difference and dissimilarity. It is the cause for which many affrays on the question of language happened in the world.

The Discrepancy that mostly instigated man with jealous is the territorial distinction based on a difference from state to state. This means that man of this world is living in different states and for that reason human race is divided into various factious groups. So inclination to make rivalry, propensity to excite border conflict and effort to acquire land of other state are seen with great apprehension. Consequently many great and terrible wars have taken place to inflict devastating effect upon man and his nature.

Beside this, there is an illustration of another discrepancy called economic disparity. For this economic disparity, man of the same religion and language of a state has been discriminated and divided into various classes. The man who has been divided into different classes is seen to be existent as each other’s hostile and counteractive force. Many affrays, rebellions, revolutions and bloody fighting’s took place among these different classes of man.

In this way, due to the principles of differentiation that are giving existence to the discrepancy and discrimination of religion, color, language, territory and economy and due to the inherent prejudicial malice of man, and his contentions, hostilities and warfare have been continuing in this periphery of the planet named as the world. But today man is trying his best to establish international peach at the time when he is being seen to stay at a stage of profuse development of his wisdom, science, art, culture and literature, today human race of his world, a planet of star called the sun, is longing for an undivided and united society where there will be seen no indication of any sort of discrepancy and discrimination with regard to religion, color, language, territory and economy. In this unified and consolidated society man of the world will have to be each other’s own most intimately acquainted and earnestly related associate. It will be noble and beneficial society of that established order and essential quality

Where has extinguished the flame of malice

And effulgence of splendid love is growing

Where has halted the excitable instinct of

Mind and blood

And weaves of peace are playing in abounding

Steam of love

Where have disappeared

All obstacles of difference

And a fascinating portraiture of love

Is flaying in the sky

Where is love and more love only

Where is gestation of external heaven

With union, unity and alliance.

But today the matter of great apprehension which has been embracing mind and brain of man of this universe is to express how the absolutely desired peace could be attained. Peace-seeking man of this world is today endeavoring to the extent of his utmost power and ability to determine the way of attaining peace and tranquility. The way by which there man-made fundamental discrepancies may be extirpated should be spontaneously devised by us today.

Today at the very outset man of the world must comprehend and perceive by analysis and research that how far these discrepancies have generated knavery and roguery or how far have given birth to ignorance and malice in the society and culture of mankind. So he should closely observe and study by comprehensive thought that how far the principles of differentiation regarding religion, language, physical colour, region, poverty and affluence are bearing the testimony to man heinous and odious nature. It should be also carefully examined that how far the principles of differentiation have been stigmatized to be the outcome of man’ ignorance, jealousy and bewilderment.


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