The act of differentiation with regard to state is considered to he the most provoking policy of all sorts of heinous policies of segregation under the narrow and haughty feelings of nationality that rouse malice and hatred in this world. We see a state is formed within the confinement of a particular religion? colour and language under a certain boundary and the ascertainment of a good security of its own. So naturally neighboring state has an innate tendency of bickering with the frontier of the other state and this tendency of discord and contention easily transforms to be a frontier conflict or war. Since the very ancient time of the origin of state i.e. since the day of the formation of state when man first established the system of government, world’s unity and integrality were wrecked into separate fragments by different frontier lines and accordingly frontier guards, defense forces etc. have been created for the security of respective frontier lines of states. The forces for the security of states mean those people who are carefully tended by the finance and patronage of the states for their safety. The forces are trained to help the governments (royal powers) with regard to carry on the internal rule of the states and to make them entangled in war with other states or countries. So the aforesaid security forces otherwise called the armies of different countries of the world are built by such a way that they can’t but naturally become hard-tempered and ferocious. Every state in the name of this armed forces lays the innumerable youths of the world under the obligation to become respective fell and ruthless hand of soldiers by destroying their inherent fine sensibilities and by preparing them with the instruction and practice of cruelty and ferocity. And the extreme limit of this cruelty and ferocity is shown in armed wars and hostilities. Here title of honor in heroism is awarded in exchange of wanton human slaughter. As a result the instinct of ferocity of the heri is nourished to he enhanced more for his future savage deeds. So it may be said that since the very beginning of the establishment of state, armed forces have accordingly been created and with this a saying as coined ‘conquest of a country or world’ has been added in the glossary of the history of states, kingdoms, empires, wars and hostilities. The real meaning of the act of conquering of a state or of world is to say that, a royal power with the help of his armed forces tries to establish his rights upon other state by going beyond the boundary of his own state or kingdom. For that purpose the royal power becomes up and doing to lead an expedition against the enemy state. The armed forces of the invaded country take the line of hard resistance against the invaders and thereby formidable war is waged and blood is spilled. The invaders possibly become or do not become successful to be victorious but inauspicious death of hundreds and thousands of human being happens without producing any conspicuous result and signify cancer. The self-styled world-conquering power that in vades, makes hostile inroad into the inimical state once again in all probability. The assaulted state tries to with stand the attack of the invasive kingdom again. So it bleeds and countless number of people fall into the jaws of sad death. Possibly this time the invasive kingdom becomes a vanquisher. What sort of outcome turns out as a final attainment of the invading power form the con-quest and sub dual of the invaded state? The conquering power gets the opportunity to establish its rule and power upon a comparatively larger tract of land and accordingly the subdued inhabitants of the region remain for many years under the rule and domination of the conquering
party. Consequently the condition, with which the people of the conquered region live under the subjugation of the conquering party, has been probably mentioned by man as a state of subjection as the very word has been signified in the page of a dictionary.
After many years of living under subservience, desire for independence comes back to the sense of the subdued nation. Consequently people under domination rise in rebellion and this leads to a long continued liberation war. Possibly within the period of revolt and liberation war, dominance of the conquering royal power begins to wane. As a result people under domination for so a long time becomes triumphant, i.e. they come out successful to snatch independence from the clutches of the dominating power. This time possibly the newly independent people become revengeful and begin to inflict carnage upon the conquering power who made them subservient for so a long period.
Thus for thousands of years different states and royal powers that were made by different groups of people had been playing games of conquests by subduing so may weak states and even the whole of the world. As for example, In about 300 B.C. Alexander the Macedonian set out on his universal conquest. The great Greek hero emerged to conquer the world and succeeded to take possession of a vast tract of area by killing thousands of people with the help of his intrepid soldiers. But all on a sudden Alexander fell into the jaws of death. Then for sometime his associates kept their occupied area in possession. But the expansion of their empire was stopped While they were defeated by other conquering royal power.
The area that was subjugated by the newly appeared conquering force was also alienated from its possession by another domineering force. By this time the Romans appeared to conquer the world. In a vast and pervasive area of the world Roman dominance was amplified. At this vigorous attempt of the Romans to conquer the world, countless number of human being of their own team or of the rival party lost their lives. Again the world-conquering attempt and vigor of the Romans were extinguished at a certain time along the passage of eternity. Their vast empire broke off and became disintegrated. We are now to watch a similar attack made upon the world by the Arabs from the south in the eighth century. They established their sway and ascendancy upon an extensive area of the world. For this, hundreds of hostilities and warfare took place and innumerable people died and perished. But in course of time their empire also did not last and at some time in the past broke off.
Mongol warriors like Chenghiz, Halaku etc. tried to conquer the world. Their intrepid blood-thirsty soldiers reddened the earth with fresh blood of countless number of people. The brutal and savage soldiers of those indomi-table Chenghiz, Halaku etc. were similar with ferocious tigers afflicted with intense hunger and had once been annihilated fr the soil of the world for ever.
After killing innumerable people and waging count less warfare, the British built a great empire. In course of time the vast empire which the British possessed also took its extinction. Napoleon made a great conflagration all over Europe in his endless attempt to conquer the world, threw innumerable people into the jaws of death to possess by force a very large area of the world. Napoleon conquered at full stretch a vast land with his stubborn and unyielding soldiers. But its ultimate cot was also much sorrowful.
Hitler waggled the world violently and stood as a vehement threat to it by his blitzkrieg (storm attack). He declared his arrogance and haughtiness to conquer the whole of the world. He hurled the entire world into an unprecedented conflagration where millions of people died. He created a horrible devastation all over the world. Hitler had also ultimately received the sorrowful cones quince in the same manner.
Thus in the annals of mankind, events of sad death of innumerable people are implicated by many stories of victory and defeat. So many world-conquering figures established vast empires demolishing towns, cities and human settlements or habitations through act of homicide and victory in warfare. Millions of able and energetic soldiers of the world-conquering figures had been obiter acted in this world. Many palaces and groves of amorous sport that were made by those figures under the pride of victory had been effaced along with their monuments of conquests in this world. Golden thrones, pleasure-goods and a huge number of swords (which have beheaded innumerable persons) of all the conquering figures of tremendous exploits are being taken out of the womb of the piles of ruins by archaeological excavation even today. So to say all prodigious and awe-inspiring perform acnes of this world-conquering figures had been expunged in course .of time in this world. But as we see the world remains one .and the same with all its entirety.
However, the merciless and hard-hearted warriors (so called heroes) were blind devotees of beastliness and brutality. Are not the tremendous exploits of the cruel warriors bootless? Yes, they are bootless for they are made .by extensive carnage and wreckage. The eternity is certainly showing its disapprobation to these tremendous exploits of the cruel soldiers and their world-conquering masters; It has also been expressing its disposition by frowning that all are false, stupidity and meaningless. All these wars, slaughters and wreckages are meaningless and stupidity in course of conquests of territories by soldiers of intransigency and intrepidity.
Thus countless performances of victory and defeat in warfare were made along with giving rise to affairs like dominance, subservience, and revolt, revolution, so called independence etc. in the world under the recurrent periods of eternity. The eternity shows the world with stark reality that all these are false and meaningless. Still the games of victory, defeat, subservience, war, carnage, wreckage, revolt, revolution and so called independence are continuing in the world today. And the preparation of instituting the performance of these falsified games are going on in such an utmost limit that the world with its entire human kind may go into extinction in no time. So this should be an earnest call of peace-seeking man heart that ‘0! the human race of the world, no more, the preservation of this colossal ignorance and falsehood is invoked and no more of these falsified games of victory, defeat, independence, subservience etc. instituted in ex change of war and killing is invoked.’ What a useless doing it is, I think, to make some people subservient or so called independent by us in exchange of much diligence, immolation, carnage and wreckage? We are all human creatures of a consolidated race of one and the same world. We the six thousand millions people of the world today have been playing these falsified games of victory, defeat, carnage, wreckage, subservience and in dependence. Wherever we live in the north or south or in the east or the west of this world, we are above all the human being living in it. It is quite unwise to make a differentiation between the people of the north and the south or the people of the east and the west in this world the planet moving round the sun in the vast endless sky of the eternal universe. Differentiation from man to man is considered to be conducive to the truth of science. So it is our total identity that we are the human creatures living in the world our planet that had been moving within the solar system from the very old time. That is to say, today we can see through vision of science that our world the planet of the universe is a very small celestial body. The planet named as the world of this universe is like as a tiny particle seen in the congeries of sands on the beach of a sea (theory of Sir Jeans). We the human creatures of this world are being churned under the eternal system of life and death. This may be explained that it is the world where form we The human race takes our rise and wherein we go into extinction. This means that man originated from the chemical admixture of inanimate matter in the world through a long course of development (theory of evolution). Till now, man the animate creature is originating from the inanimate matter of the world and is dissolving perfectly again with the inanimate matter. That is to say, under the effect of taking natural food that grows from the inanimate material of the world, spermatozoid and ovary of male and female originate naturally for the creation of blood and fetus in human body. Accordingly through sexual intercourse this spermatozoid and ovary spontaneously creates blood and fetus to make them transformed into a human body (it is called the transformation of in animation into animation). Under the system of extinction of life the human body dissolves into an inanimate object of the world. So if this context is comprehended by us deeply then we must understand that each and every man of the world is a transformed shape of animate creature from inanimate object. So no particular region of man can’t be his respective place of habitation. The entire world our planet of the universe is his real place of habitation- his motherland.
So we the entire human race of the world are not the inhabitants of respective region but of the undivided world an integrated motherland as a whole. We can declare with the attachment to our glorious and exalted motherland- the world that it may be dignified to be an integer as our universal abode. We are not the human progeny of a certain country or continent, but we are the human progeny of the undivided world our real mother land.
Man of the world thinks himself to be a nation of his own region and shows patriotism for it like devotion to his mother. As for example, the Bengalies want to be carrier of old heritage as posterity of ancient nationality of Bengal. But today the people who are called the Bengalies have not simply got in their bodies, the flow of blood coming from the Bengalies of ancient Bengal. The Bengalies of modern times are constituted by a system of procreation under the flow of hybridized blood of many nations. Likewise no body is a pure Briton. In Britain also there is hybridization of blood flowing through ages. The origin of blood of the people of Australia and America goes to Europeans. So no body should be originally supposed to take his birth in a particular region of the world and it is nothing but a downright ignorance to support erroneous notion of nationality on the basis regionalism.
Man usually goes to war to take possession of a certain region or to partly take possession of a country or to make his own power enduring in a certain stretch of land that he conquers. But the world where the human progeny are originating may be considered to manifest itself in the unique form of a vast consolidated and integrated region as a whole. In the remote past of this planet the world, the amount of land it possessed, now increased much more to its extreme limit. Even now on the mass of waters of the earth (major part of the earth is a mass of waters) many new lands are being seen to originate off and on. Certain cosmic ray and millions of cosmic grains of rock are being transformed into solid matter and then into soil for the ultimate development of a certain tract of land or of a certain region upon the vast mass of waters of the earth after taking their ground on its surface. That is why it is also nothing but an abject ignorance for man to make warfare for the cause of insignificant stretches of land or of various regions of the world.
We are the progeny of this world where we are inhabiting as our motherland. With our patriotic and zealous spirit we can declare that our definite motherland is the glorious and majestic world where we the human kind can with our devotional expression of humanity, live as one at heart. No particular land or region or country is our motherland but the undivided and consolidated world is itself our motherland. So wearer all progeny of this world our motherland. However, what should we call it so called independence or subservience or the conquest of a territory, may be considered as an activity of parochial ity that shall have to be effaced along with the very hum malice so that we can help us in securing for ourselves the love of our universal motherland to be established on the soil of the earth. Moreover we can declare that Asia or Africa or Australia or Europe or America is not our respective motherland, our motherland is the world integrated and consolidated as a whole.
Each and every man of the world has a power of cogitation. It has different processes. From the context of its pervasiveness, the power of cogitation of man has two sides: one is mental narrowness and the other is mental broadness. That is to say, a mind may become sometimes very narrow and sometimes very broad. When man is besieged with his narrow aptitude of mind, he becomes extremely self-centered. Again when man actuates himself to attain magnanimously broad mind, he becomes free from the tutelage of his self-centeredness and can unite himself inseparably with the greater environment. As for example, a particular man becomes very much self centered when he is beset with the utmost narrowness of his mind. He then engages himself wholly with deep thinking of his own happiness, sorrow, wealth and afflux ence for the only cause of his family. Again a man can make himself deeply engrossed in his gradual tendency of deeply thinking of greater society by going beyond the limit of his sole thinking about the family. And even in this way a man absorbs himself with profound thinking of a state or of a country that is formed in co-ordination with the vast human society, after he comes out of the closely confining circumference of this particular thinking about his family. At this time his act of thinking about his family becomes absolutely unimportant to himself. It is the mental pervasiveness or narrowness of man of the world through which he goes to unite himself inseparably with one another to help the various communities undivided, or to disunite himself separable with one another to help those communities divide. As for example, man of differ ent religion, language and colour of a state is supposed to live inseparably and unitedly under the jurisdiction of one state-binding. But when man of the state is taken by mental narrowness, he paves the way for communalism of religion, language and coloLir. Consequently he forms his sectarian mutation to become enkindled with the atti tiide of religious communalism and o communalism on the issue of language with the aim of having severance from the greater existence. Moreover he also gets severance from the greater one after he is enkindled with the attitude communalism on the issue of colour. When in a vast society man is enkindled with different kinds of mental narrowness and disunited by different principles of religion, language and colour, then he becomes separated into various sections from the united and integrated whole of a co-ordinate body. Again when man of many communities living separately forgets aloofness and seclusion of religion, language and colour by dint of his mental broadness then vast human existence may be formed by combining each and every human being of different groups of people sharing different political, municipal, social, religious or territorial conditions. This may be cited as the only example of mental pervasiveness as shown by man of many communities speaking different languages, conforming different religions and having different colors. Thus getting but one and the same soul man can gradually create a vast human society on the basis of co-ordination, consolidation and unification. Formation of a certain great united state from small city states in the past may be referred to an incident of the working of this mental pervasiveness of mankind.
This is the context of man’s mental broadness and narrowness, which can do and undo anything he desires or does not desire. With regard to mental broadness w see there exists a vying principle. Mental broadness of man may occur according to a system of competition and rivalry with a hostile power. As a result of conflict with an adverse domineering group, intention of gaining existence by having but one and the same soul comes back to the sense of small groups. In this case mental broadness of small communities occurs for an exceedingly great com mutiny having mutually close intimacy and agreement. At this point characteristically those who have gained the flow of some sort of social equality unite themselves inseparably in one party and characteristically those who are already developed and advanced with social equality, unite themselves inseparably on the other. As for example, among the people conforming the religion of Islam there are many sects adhering to the Doctored of Shia, Sunni, Mutazila, Quadria etc. who have malice and hatred with each other. But if man of other religious groups becomes malevolent to and falls upon any of the religious sects of Islam then mental pervasiveness of the entire Muslim community must occur to unite althea sects of Islam into an inseparable whole. Likewise, within state multifarious groups may go to fissiparous, dissension, contention and even brigandage. But whenever an external country falls upon a state, there certainly happens mental broadness of different parties living in the same state and there spontaneously grows inseparable unity of the mutually contending parties.
Thousands of races, tribes, communities and nations who were divided by different groups for thousands of years in the past have today made respectively their certain united entity having but one and the same soul by dint of mental pervasiveness. So it is seen that thousands of small states of the world have broken their previous existence and assumed the shape of about two hundred whole-hog countries at present. But nevertheless we see no end of man evil propensity like hatred, mutual fighting etc. Because conquest of regions, acquisition of lands, attainment of spurious independence and imposition of subservience, communalism and apartheid have been continuing to inflict inhuman affliction upon man kind with utmost rapidity. However it is seen that the existence of a united and consolidated entity has been breaking into multitudinous forms and again at the same time many small groups are seen to grow inseparably united and promote the origin of a greater entity. In fact in this great age of the development of human civilization and of the excellence of modern science, the power of eyesight of the people of the world has by far extended. So we can see that other planets including any other realm of stars within this universe are neighbors to the earth today to be considered as objects of our conquest. Perhaps there is man or any other creature of high quality and intelligence somewhere in the firmament within the solar region of this universe. At this stage man of the world shall have to take preparation to vie with whose creatures of the outer space. Thus with the strength of our mind and power of action we the entire human being of the world will have to bring about our big mental broadness and unite our selves inseparably with one another. That is to say, differentiation and separation on the basis of language, religion, colour and region will have to be removed and a world state will have to be established in combination with all groups and communities of the entire human race of the world. Two hundred states of the world, big and small that exist on the basis of differentiation by religion, colour, language and region, that are declaring separate ness and seclusion and that are engaged in warfare and other contentious activities (originally the greatest cause of so many wars that were fought or are being fought in this world is the mutual hatred and separation of different states) will have to achieve but one and the same soul to bring about the establishment of a world state. Accordingly if this world state is established, i.e. our world one of the planets of the universe takes the form of one and undivided state of an integrated and combined human society then flames of disturbance and ceaselessness that are heavily oppressing the world population will be put out by man for all time to come. If six hundred million people of the world achieve but one and the same soul, if a structure of one single state is formed with the entire world on the basis of equal rights then no body will be Exploited and made subservient by any other man. Accordingly there will be no necessity of making an event like achieving so called independence by overthrowing subservience. All will be actually free and independent in this universal state. Traces of ceaselessness will be wiped out, arrival of endless and perpetual peace will commence in the world state.
party. Consequently the condition, with which the people of the conquered region live under the subjugation of the conquering party, has been probably mentioned by man as a state of subjection as the very word has been signified in the page of a dictionary.
After many years of living under subservience, desire for independence comes back to the sense of the subdued nation. Consequently people under domination rise in rebellion and this leads to a long continued liberation war. Possibly within the period of revolt and liberation war, dominance of the conquering royal power begins to wane. As a result people under domination for so a long time becomes triumphant, i.e. they come out successful to snatch independence from the clutches of the dominating power. This time possibly the newly independent people become revengeful and begin to inflict carnage upon the conquering power who made them subservient for so a long period.
Thus for thousands of years different states and royal powers that were made by different groups of people had been playing games of conquests by subduing so may weak states and even the whole of the world. As for example, In about 300 B.C. Alexander the Macedonian set out on his universal conquest. The great Greek hero emerged to conquer the world and succeeded to take possession of a vast tract of area by killing thousands of people with the help of his intrepid soldiers. But all on a sudden Alexander fell into the jaws of death. Then for sometime his associates kept their occupied area in possession. But the expansion of their empire was stopped While they were defeated by other conquering royal power.
The area that was subjugated by the newly appeared conquering force was also alienated from its possession by another domineering force. By this time the Romans appeared to conquer the world. In a vast and pervasive area of the world Roman dominance was amplified. At this vigorous attempt of the Romans to conquer the world, countless number of human being of their own team or of the rival party lost their lives. Again the world-conquering attempt and vigor of the Romans were extinguished at a certain time along the passage of eternity. Their vast empire broke off and became disintegrated. We are now to watch a similar attack made upon the world by the Arabs from the south in the eighth century. They established their sway and ascendancy upon an extensive area of the world. For this, hundreds of hostilities and warfare took place and innumerable people died and perished. But in course of time their empire also did not last and at some time in the past broke off.
Mongol warriors like Chenghiz, Halaku etc. tried to conquer the world. Their intrepid blood-thirsty soldiers reddened the earth with fresh blood of countless number of people. The brutal and savage soldiers of those indomi-table Chenghiz, Halaku etc. were similar with ferocious tigers afflicted with intense hunger and had once been annihilated fr the soil of the world for ever.
After killing innumerable people and waging count less warfare, the British built a great empire. In course of time the vast empire which the British possessed also took its extinction. Napoleon made a great conflagration all over Europe in his endless attempt to conquer the world, threw innumerable people into the jaws of death to possess by force a very large area of the world. Napoleon conquered at full stretch a vast land with his stubborn and unyielding soldiers. But its ultimate cot was also much sorrowful.
Hitler waggled the world violently and stood as a vehement threat to it by his blitzkrieg (storm attack). He declared his arrogance and haughtiness to conquer the whole of the world. He hurled the entire world into an unprecedented conflagration where millions of people died. He created a horrible devastation all over the world. Hitler had also ultimately received the sorrowful cones quince in the same manner.
Thus in the annals of mankind, events of sad death of innumerable people are implicated by many stories of victory and defeat. So many world-conquering figures established vast empires demolishing towns, cities and human settlements or habitations through act of homicide and victory in warfare. Millions of able and energetic soldiers of the world-conquering figures had been obiter acted in this world. Many palaces and groves of amorous sport that were made by those figures under the pride of victory had been effaced along with their monuments of conquests in this world. Golden thrones, pleasure-goods and a huge number of swords (which have beheaded innumerable persons) of all the conquering figures of tremendous exploits are being taken out of the womb of the piles of ruins by archaeological excavation even today. So to say all prodigious and awe-inspiring perform acnes of this world-conquering figures had been expunged in course .of time in this world. But as we see the world remains one .and the same with all its entirety.
However, the merciless and hard-hearted warriors (so called heroes) were blind devotees of beastliness and brutality. Are not the tremendous exploits of the cruel warriors bootless? Yes, they are bootless for they are made .by extensive carnage and wreckage. The eternity is certainly showing its disapprobation to these tremendous exploits of the cruel soldiers and their world-conquering masters; It has also been expressing its disposition by frowning that all are false, stupidity and meaningless. All these wars, slaughters and wreckages are meaningless and stupidity in course of conquests of territories by soldiers of intransigency and intrepidity.
Thus countless performances of victory and defeat in warfare were made along with giving rise to affairs like dominance, subservience, and revolt, revolution, so called independence etc. in the world under the recurrent periods of eternity. The eternity shows the world with stark reality that all these are false and meaningless. Still the games of victory, defeat, subservience, war, carnage, wreckage, revolt, revolution and so called independence are continuing in the world today. And the preparation of instituting the performance of these falsified games are going on in such an utmost limit that the world with its entire human kind may go into extinction in no time. So this should be an earnest call of peace-seeking man heart that ‘0! the human race of the world, no more, the preservation of this colossal ignorance and falsehood is invoked and no more of these falsified games of victory, defeat, independence, subservience etc. instituted in ex change of war and killing is invoked.’ What a useless doing it is, I think, to make some people subservient or so called independent by us in exchange of much diligence, immolation, carnage and wreckage? We are all human creatures of a consolidated race of one and the same world. We the six thousand millions people of the world today have been playing these falsified games of victory, defeat, carnage, wreckage, subservience and in dependence. Wherever we live in the north or south or in the east or the west of this world, we are above all the human being living in it. It is quite unwise to make a differentiation between the people of the north and the south or the people of the east and the west in this world the planet moving round the sun in the vast endless sky of the eternal universe. Differentiation from man to man is considered to be conducive to the truth of science. So it is our total identity that we are the human creatures living in the world our planet that had been moving within the solar system from the very old time. That is to say, today we can see through vision of science that our world the planet of the universe is a very small celestial body. The planet named as the world of this universe is like as a tiny particle seen in the congeries of sands on the beach of a sea (theory of Sir Jeans). We the human creatures of this world are being churned under the eternal system of life and death. This may be explained that it is the world where form we The human race takes our rise and wherein we go into extinction. This means that man originated from the chemical admixture of inanimate matter in the world through a long course of development (theory of evolution). Till now, man the animate creature is originating from the inanimate matter of the world and is dissolving perfectly again with the inanimate matter. That is to say, under the effect of taking natural food that grows from the inanimate material of the world, spermatozoid and ovary of male and female originate naturally for the creation of blood and fetus in human body. Accordingly through sexual intercourse this spermatozoid and ovary spontaneously creates blood and fetus to make them transformed into a human body (it is called the transformation of in animation into animation). Under the system of extinction of life the human body dissolves into an inanimate object of the world. So if this context is comprehended by us deeply then we must understand that each and every man of the world is a transformed shape of animate creature from inanimate object. So no particular region of man can’t be his respective place of habitation. The entire world our planet of the universe is his real place of habitation- his motherland.
So we the entire human race of the world are not the inhabitants of respective region but of the undivided world an integrated motherland as a whole. We can declare with the attachment to our glorious and exalted motherland- the world that it may be dignified to be an integer as our universal abode. We are not the human progeny of a certain country or continent, but we are the human progeny of the undivided world our real mother land.
Man of the world thinks himself to be a nation of his own region and shows patriotism for it like devotion to his mother. As for example, the Bengalies want to be carrier of old heritage as posterity of ancient nationality of Bengal. But today the people who are called the Bengalies have not simply got in their bodies, the flow of blood coming from the Bengalies of ancient Bengal. The Bengalies of modern times are constituted by a system of procreation under the flow of hybridized blood of many nations. Likewise no body is a pure Briton. In Britain also there is hybridization of blood flowing through ages. The origin of blood of the people of Australia and America goes to Europeans. So no body should be originally supposed to take his birth in a particular region of the world and it is nothing but a downright ignorance to support erroneous notion of nationality on the basis regionalism.
Man usually goes to war to take possession of a certain region or to partly take possession of a country or to make his own power enduring in a certain stretch of land that he conquers. But the world where the human progeny are originating may be considered to manifest itself in the unique form of a vast consolidated and integrated region as a whole. In the remote past of this planet the world, the amount of land it possessed, now increased much more to its extreme limit. Even now on the mass of waters of the earth (major part of the earth is a mass of waters) many new lands are being seen to originate off and on. Certain cosmic ray and millions of cosmic grains of rock are being transformed into solid matter and then into soil for the ultimate development of a certain tract of land or of a certain region upon the vast mass of waters of the earth after taking their ground on its surface. That is why it is also nothing but an abject ignorance for man to make warfare for the cause of insignificant stretches of land or of various regions of the world.
We are the progeny of this world where we are inhabiting as our motherland. With our patriotic and zealous spirit we can declare that our definite motherland is the glorious and majestic world where we the human kind can with our devotional expression of humanity, live as one at heart. No particular land or region or country is our motherland but the undivided and consolidated world is itself our motherland. So wearer all progeny of this world our motherland. However, what should we call it so called independence or subservience or the conquest of a territory, may be considered as an activity of parochial ity that shall have to be effaced along with the very hum malice so that we can help us in securing for ourselves the love of our universal motherland to be established on the soil of the earth. Moreover we can declare that Asia or Africa or Australia or Europe or America is not our respective motherland, our motherland is the world integrated and consolidated as a whole.
Each and every man of the world has a power of cogitation. It has different processes. From the context of its pervasiveness, the power of cogitation of man has two sides: one is mental narrowness and the other is mental broadness. That is to say, a mind may become sometimes very narrow and sometimes very broad. When man is besieged with his narrow aptitude of mind, he becomes extremely self-centered. Again when man actuates himself to attain magnanimously broad mind, he becomes free from the tutelage of his self-centeredness and can unite himself inseparably with the greater environment. As for example, a particular man becomes very much self centered when he is beset with the utmost narrowness of his mind. He then engages himself wholly with deep thinking of his own happiness, sorrow, wealth and afflux ence for the only cause of his family. Again a man can make himself deeply engrossed in his gradual tendency of deeply thinking of greater society by going beyond the limit of his sole thinking about the family. And even in this way a man absorbs himself with profound thinking of a state or of a country that is formed in co-ordination with the vast human society, after he comes out of the closely confining circumference of this particular thinking about his family. At this time his act of thinking about his family becomes absolutely unimportant to himself. It is the mental pervasiveness or narrowness of man of the world through which he goes to unite himself inseparably with one another to help the various communities undivided, or to disunite himself separable with one another to help those communities divide. As for example, man of differ ent religion, language and colour of a state is supposed to live inseparably and unitedly under the jurisdiction of one state-binding. But when man of the state is taken by mental narrowness, he paves the way for communalism of religion, language and coloLir. Consequently he forms his sectarian mutation to become enkindled with the atti tiide of religious communalism and o communalism on the issue of language with the aim of having severance from the greater existence. Moreover he also gets severance from the greater one after he is enkindled with the attitude communalism on the issue of colour. When in a vast society man is enkindled with different kinds of mental narrowness and disunited by different principles of religion, language and colour, then he becomes separated into various sections from the united and integrated whole of a co-ordinate body. Again when man of many communities living separately forgets aloofness and seclusion of religion, language and colour by dint of his mental broadness then vast human existence may be formed by combining each and every human being of different groups of people sharing different political, municipal, social, religious or territorial conditions. This may be cited as the only example of mental pervasiveness as shown by man of many communities speaking different languages, conforming different religions and having different colors. Thus getting but one and the same soul man can gradually create a vast human society on the basis of co-ordination, consolidation and unification. Formation of a certain great united state from small city states in the past may be referred to an incident of the working of this mental pervasiveness of mankind.
This is the context of man’s mental broadness and narrowness, which can do and undo anything he desires or does not desire. With regard to mental broadness w see there exists a vying principle. Mental broadness of man may occur according to a system of competition and rivalry with a hostile power. As a result of conflict with an adverse domineering group, intention of gaining existence by having but one and the same soul comes back to the sense of small groups. In this case mental broadness of small communities occurs for an exceedingly great com mutiny having mutually close intimacy and agreement. At this point characteristically those who have gained the flow of some sort of social equality unite themselves inseparably in one party and characteristically those who are already developed and advanced with social equality, unite themselves inseparably on the other. As for example, among the people conforming the religion of Islam there are many sects adhering to the Doctored of Shia, Sunni, Mutazila, Quadria etc. who have malice and hatred with each other. But if man of other religious groups becomes malevolent to and falls upon any of the religious sects of Islam then mental pervasiveness of the entire Muslim community must occur to unite althea sects of Islam into an inseparable whole. Likewise, within state multifarious groups may go to fissiparous, dissension, contention and even brigandage. But whenever an external country falls upon a state, there certainly happens mental broadness of different parties living in the same state and there spontaneously grows inseparable unity of the mutually contending parties.
Thousands of races, tribes, communities and nations who were divided by different groups for thousands of years in the past have today made respectively their certain united entity having but one and the same soul by dint of mental pervasiveness. So it is seen that thousands of small states of the world have broken their previous existence and assumed the shape of about two hundred whole-hog countries at present. But nevertheless we see no end of man evil propensity like hatred, mutual fighting etc. Because conquest of regions, acquisition of lands, attainment of spurious independence and imposition of subservience, communalism and apartheid have been continuing to inflict inhuman affliction upon man kind with utmost rapidity. However it is seen that the existence of a united and consolidated entity has been breaking into multitudinous forms and again at the same time many small groups are seen to grow inseparably united and promote the origin of a greater entity. In fact in this great age of the development of human civilization and of the excellence of modern science, the power of eyesight of the people of the world has by far extended. So we can see that other planets including any other realm of stars within this universe are neighbors to the earth today to be considered as objects of our conquest. Perhaps there is man or any other creature of high quality and intelligence somewhere in the firmament within the solar region of this universe. At this stage man of the world shall have to take preparation to vie with whose creatures of the outer space. Thus with the strength of our mind and power of action we the entire human being of the world will have to bring about our big mental broadness and unite our selves inseparably with one another. That is to say, differentiation and separation on the basis of language, religion, colour and region will have to be removed and a world state will have to be established in combination with all groups and communities of the entire human race of the world. Two hundred states of the world, big and small that exist on the basis of differentiation by religion, colour, language and region, that are declaring separate ness and seclusion and that are engaged in warfare and other contentious activities (originally the greatest cause of so many wars that were fought or are being fought in this world is the mutual hatred and separation of different states) will have to achieve but one and the same soul to bring about the establishment of a world state. Accordingly if this world state is established, i.e. our world one of the planets of the universe takes the form of one and undivided state of an integrated and combined human society then flames of disturbance and ceaselessness that are heavily oppressing the world population will be put out by man for all time to come. If six hundred million people of the world achieve but one and the same soul, if a structure of one single state is formed with the entire world on the basis of equal rights then no body will be Exploited and made subservient by any other man. Accordingly there will be no necessity of making an event like achieving so called independence by overthrowing subservience. All will be actually free and independent in this universal state. Traces of ceaselessness will be wiped out, arrival of endless and perpetual peace will commence in the world state.
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